Грифола курчавая (Grifola frondosa)
Систематика:- Отдел: Basidiomycota (Базидиомицеты)
- Подотдел: Agaricomycotina (Агарикомицеты)
- Класс: Agaricomycetes (Агарикомицеты)
- Подкласс: Incertae sedis (неопределённого положения)
- Порядок: Polyporales (Полипоровые)
- Семейство: Meripilaceae (Мерипиловые)
- Род: Grifola (Грифола)
- Вид: Grifola frondosa (Грифола курчавая (Гриб-баран))
- Другие названия гриба:
- Гриб-баран
Другие названия:
Трутовик густолиственный
- Мейтаке (маитаке)
- Танцующий гриб
- Трутовик листоватый
Грифола курчавая (лат. Grifola frondosa) — съедобный гриб, вид рода Грифола (Grifola) семейства Фомитопсисовые (Fomitopsidaceae).
Плодовое тело:
Curly griffin, not without reason also called a ram mushroom, is a dense bushy aggregate of "pseudo-cap" mushrooms, with rather distinct legs, turning into leaf-shaped or tongue-shaped caps. “Legs” are light, “caps” are darker at the edges, lighter in the center. The general color range is from gray-greenish to gray-pinkish, depending on age and lighting. The underside of the “caps” and the upper part of the “legs” are covered with a fine tubular spore-bearing layer. The pulp is white, rather brittle, has an interesting nutty smell and taste.
Spore-bearing layer:
Finely porous, white, strongly descending to the "stem".
Spore powder:
Curly griffin is found in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, growing quite rarely and not annually on stumps of broad-leaved trees (more often - oaks, maples, obviously - and lindens), as well as at the bases of living trees, but this is even less common. It can be seen from mid-August to mid-September.
Similar species:
A ram mushroom is called at least three types of mushrooms that are not very similar to each other. The related griffola umbelata (Grifola umbelata), growing in approximately the same conditions and with the same frequency, is an aggregate of small leathery caps of a relatively round shape. Sparassis crispa, or the so-called mushroom cabbage, is a ball of yellowish-beige openwork "blades" and grows on the remains of coniferous trees. All these species are united by the growth format (a large aggregate, fragments of which can be divided into legs and caps with varying degrees of convention), as well as a rarity. Probably, people simply did not have the opportunity to get to know these species better, compare and give different names. And so - in one year an umbrella griffin served as a mushroom-sheep, in another - curly sparassis ...
A peculiar nutty taste - for an amateur. I liked the ram mushroom stewed in sour cream the most, it was so-so pickled. But on this interpretation I, as they say, do not insist.
Everyone has their own ram mushroom. At the rally in Makhra, Andrei Bogdanov treated everyone to a pickled sheep mushroom, which, it seems, was Grifola umbelata. (By the way, mine in pickled form came out much worse, although, as it seems to me, the point here is no longer a mushroom.) Old literature prefers to call curly sparassis a ram (it seems). In general, everyone has their own; as a rule, the average person hardly encounters two or three candidates for the role of a ram mushroom in his life (let alone in a season). So everyone is right.
I encountered my ram for the first time in that same 2003. The North of the Black Earth Region, the very places where the famous Tula Zaseki passed 300 years ago, defending Moscow from a Turk and a Tatar, a bizarre - by Moscow standards - linden forest (like a pine forest, only instead of pines - linden trees, undergrowth to the waist, a forest at the same time both thick and transparent), a well-trodden path ... The fact that "something sits" on the stump near the path could be seen from afar. There sat a large curly thing, surrounded by a reverent retinue of mitzenes and brick-red fake heaps. Mushroom ram! A second is enough to pronounce this name to yourself.
Alas, the first meeting was fleeting. The ram (or rather, the rams - two massive splices on one stump) were not allowed to photograph themselves due to poor lighting and drizzling rain, but they did not ask for a basket due to their rarity. The next day, instead of rams, only pitiful slices were visible on the stump. And after all, there are not many people here, and only purely local men walk that path to the timber industry five kilometers away ... but this is how it turned out.
The next year, of course, did not please me with anything. “Rarely, not annually,” I would write, inspecting a familiar stump, if I had kept any notes at all. But in 2005, at the same place and at the same time, I found two large and cute ram mushrooms. What, in fact, I'm talking about. It is a pity, however, that it will hardly be possible to supplement this page with new photographs before autumn 2007 ...