Ringed cap (Cortinarius caperatus) photo and description

Ring cap (Cortinarius caperatus)

  • Department: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Cortinariaceae (Spiderwebs)
  • Genus: Cortinarius (Webcap)
  • Species: Cortinarius caperatus (Ringed cap)
    Other names for the mushroom:
  • Swamp
  • Chicken mushroom
  • Turk mushroom


  • The swamp;

  • Chicken mushroom;

  • The pad is white;

  • Rosites is dull;

  • Turkish mushroom;

  • Rozites caperatus;

  • Cortinarius caperatus.

Ring cap (Rozites caperata)Spread:

The ringed cap is a species typical primarily of forests on the mountains and in the foothills. In mountain coniferous forests on acidic soils, it grows most often from August to October. It is harvested, as a rule, near blueberries, low birches, less often in deciduous forests, under a beech. Apparently, he forms mycorrhiza with these rocks. This mushroom grows in Europe, North America and Japan. It is found in the north, in Greenland and Lapland, and in the mountains at an altitude of 2,500 m above sea level.


The ringed cap is very similar to cobwebs and was previously considered one of them. Its rusty-brown spore powder and almond-shaped warty spores are the same as those of cobwebs. However, a ringed cap never has a cobweb veil (cortina) between the leg and the edge of the cap, but there is always only a membrane membrane, which, breaking apart, leaves a real ring on the leg. At the bottom of the ring still hangs an inconspicuous film remnant of the veil, the so-called hood (osgea).

The ringed cap is somewhat similar (mainly by the color of its fruit bodies) to some species of voles (Agrocybe). These are, first of all, the hard vole (A. dura) and the early vole (A. prhaesokh). Both species are edible, they grow abundantly in spring, sometimes in summer, most often in meadows, and not in the forest, on garden lawns, etc. Their fruit bodies are smaller in size than that of the ringed cap, the cap is thin, fleshy, the leg is thin , fibrous, hollow inside. The early vole has a bitter flour taste and a flour smell.

Young mushrooms have a bluish tint and a waxed, later bald surface. In dry weather, the surface of the cap cracks or wrinkles. The plates are attached or loose, sagging, with a somewhat serrated edge, whitish at first, then clay-yellow. The leg is 5-10 / 1-2 cm in size, off-white, with a whitish membranous ring. The pulp is white, not discolored. The taste is mushroom, the smell is pleasant, spicy. Spore powder, rusty brown. Spores are ocher yellow.

The cap has a ring-shaped cap with a diameter of 4-10 cm, in young mushrooms it is ovoid or spherical, then flattened, with a color ranging from clay-yellow to ocher.


This is a very high quality mushroom that can be cooked in many different ways. It tastes slightly like meat. In some countries, it is even sold in markets.