Milk papillary (Lactarius mammosus) photo and description

Milk papillary (Lactarius mammosus)

  • Department: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Incertae sedis (undefined)
  • Order: Russulales
  • Family: Russulaceae (Russula)
  • Genus: Lactarius (Miller)
  • Species: Lactarius mammosus (Milk papillary)

Names are considered synonyms:

  • Papillary milky ;
  • The milk is large ;
  • Agaricus mammosus;
  • The miller is large;
  • Lactifluus mammosus.

Milk papillary (Lactarius mammosus)

The papillary milk mushroom (Lactarius mammosus) belongs to the genus Millechnikov, and in the scientific literature it is called the papillary lactic acid. Belongs to the russula family.

External description of the mushroom

The papillary milk mushroom, which is also known as the large milk mushroom, has a fruiting body with a cap and a leg. The diameter of the cap is 3-9 cm, it is characterized by a concave-spread or flat-spread shape, small thickness, combined with fleshiness. There is often a tubercle in the center of the cap. In young fruit bodies, the edges of the cap are bent, then they become open. The color of the mushroom cap can be bluish-gray, brown-gray, dark gray-brown, often has a purple or pink tint. In mature mushrooms, the cap burns out to a yellow color, becomes dry, fibrous, covered with scales. Fibers on its thin surface become visible to the naked eye.

The mushroom leg is characterized by a length of 3 to 7 cm, has a cylindrical shape and a thickness of 0.8-2 cm.In mature fruiting bodies, it becomes hollow from the inside, smooth to the touch, whitish in color, but in old mushrooms the shade becomes the same as in hats.

The seed part is represented by whitish rounded spores, with dimensions 6.5-7.5 * 5-6 microns. The mushroom flesh at the cap is white, but darkens when peeled. On the stem, the pulp is dense, with a sweetish aftertaste, brittle, has no aroma in fresh fruit bodies. When dried mushrooms of this type, the pulp acquires a pleasant smell of coconut flakes.

The hymenophore of the lactiferous papillary is represented by the lamellar type. The plates are narrow in structure, are often located, have a whitish-fawn color, but in mature mushrooms they become red. They run down a little on the leg, but do not adhere to its surface.

Milky sap is characterized by a white color, does not flow too abundantly, does not change its color under the influence of air. Initially, milky juice has a sweetish taste, then it becomes spicy or even bitter. Overripe mushrooms practically do not have it.

Habitat and period of fruiting

The most active fruiting of papillary lactic acid occurs in the period from August to September. The fungus of this species prefers to grow in forests of coniferous and mixed types, as well as in deciduous forests. Loves sandy soils, grows only in groups and does not occur singly. It can be found in the northern temperate regions of the country.


The papillary mushroom belongs to the category of conditionally edible mushrooms, it is used mainly in salted form. However, many foreign sources indicate that the papillary lactate is an inedible fungus.

Similar species, distinctive features from them

The main species similar to the papillary mushroom (Lactarius mammosus) is the aromatic lactarius (Lactarius glyciosmus). True, he has a lighter shade, and the color is characterized by a grayish-ocher color with a pinkish tint. It forms mycorrhiza with birch.