Trichaptum double (Trichaptum biforme) photo and description

Trichaptum two (Trichaptum biforme)

  • Department: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Incertae sedis (undefined)
  • Order: Polyporales
  • Family: Polyporaceae (Polyporous)
  • Genus: Trichaptum (Trichaptum)
  • Species: Trichaptum biforme (Trichaptum double)

Synonyms :

  • Polyporus biformis

  • Bjerkandera biformis
  • Coriolus biformis
  • Microporus biformis
  • Polystictus biformis
  • Trametes biformis
  • Trichaptum pergamenum

Trichaptum two (Trichaptum biforme)

External description

Trichaptum double caps are up to 6 cm in diameter and up to 3 mm in thickness. They are arranged in tiled groups. Their shape is more or less semicircular, irregularly fan-shaped or kidney-shaped; convex-flattened; the surface is felt, pubescent, later almost smooth, silky; light gray, brownish, ocher or greenish in color with concentric striping, sometimes with a pale purple outer edge. In dry weather, the caps can fade to almost white.

Trichaptum two (Trichaptum biforme)

The hymenophore is painted in purple-violet tones, closer to the edge is brighter, with age it quickly fades to brown or yellowish-brown; if damaged, the color does not change. The pores are angular at first, 3-5 by 1 mm; with age, they become tortuous-dissected, open, irpexoid.

The leg is missing.

The fabric is whitish, hard, leathery.

Spore powder is white.

Microscopic features

Spores 6-8 x 2-2.5 µ, smooth, cylindrical or with slightly rounded ends, non-amyloid. The hyphalous system is dimitic.

Ecology and distribution

Trichaptum double grows, like a saprophyte, on valezh and stumps of deciduous trees, being a very active destroyer of wood (causes white rot). The period of active growth from late spring to autumn. Widespread species.

Similar species

Trichaptum spruce (Trichaptum abietinum) is distinguished by smaller fruiting bodies, which grow in numerous groups or rows on the valezh of conifers. In addition, its caps are more uniformly grayish and more pubescent, and the purple tones of the hymenophore persist longer.

A very similar brown-violet trichaptum (Trichaptum fuscoviolaceum) grows on conifers and is distinguished by a hymenophore in the form of radially located teeth and scapula, closer to the edge of turning into serrated plates.

In a grayish-whitish colored and less pubescent larch trichaptum (Trichaptum laricinum), which grows on large coniferous trees, the hymenophore has the form of wide plates.