Scaly corkscrew (Pluteus ephebeus) photo and description

Scaly corkscrew (Pluteus ephebeus)

  • Department: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Pluteaceae
  • Genus: Pluteus (Plutey)
  • Species: Pluteus ephebeus (Scaly Plyutey)

Synonyms :

  • Lepiotopic

  • Scale-like roach
  • Agaricus villosus
  • Agaricus nigrovillosus
  • Agaricus ephebeus
  • Pluteus villosus
  • Pluteus murinus
  • Pluteus lepiotoides
  • Pluteus pearsonii

Scaly corkscrew (Pluteus ephebeus)

Scaly plyutey (Pluteus ephebeus) is a mushroom of the Pluteev family, belongs to the Pluteev genus.

External description

The fruiting body consists of a cap and a stem.

The diameter of the cap is 4-9 cm, it has a thick flesh. The shape varies from semicircular to convex. In mature mushrooms, it becomes prostrate, has a well-visible tubercle in the center. The surface is gray-brown with fibers. In the central part of the cap, small scales pressed to the surface are clearly visible. In mature specimens, radial cracks often appear on the cap.

Leg length: 4-10 cm, width - 0.4-1 cm. Located in the center, has a cylindrical shape and dense structure, tuberous near the base. Has a grayish or white surface, smooth and shiny. On the stem, grooves left by fibers are visible, and there are more of them in the lower part.

The flesh of scaly spine is viscous in taste, white in color. Has no pronounced odor. Does not change its color in places of damage to the fruiting body.

The hymenophore is lamellar. The plates are wide, free and frequent. In color, they are gray-pink, in mature mushrooms they acquire a pink color and a white edge.

The color of the spore powder is pink. There are no remnants of an earthen cover on the fruiting body.

Spores are elliptical or wide elliptical. They can be ovoid, most often smooth.

There is brown pigment in the hyphae of the skin covering the fruiting body. Pigmented large cells are clearly visible on the stem, since the hyphae of the skin are colorless here. Four-spore basidia are clavate, with thin walls.

Scaly corkscrew (Pluteus ephebeus)

Season and habitat of the fungus

Saprotroph. Prefers to grow on dead deciduous trees or directly on the soil. It is possible to meet scaly flock (Pluteus ephebeus) in mixed forests and beyond (for example, in parks and gardens). The fungus is common but rare. Known in Russia, the British Isles and Europe. Found in the Russian Primorye and China. Scaly plyutai grows in Morocco (North Africa).

Fruiting from August to October.



Similar types and differences from them

Rombert's clown (Pluteus robertii). Some experts distinguish scaly-like (Pluteus lepiotoides) in a separate species (at the same time, many mycologists call this mushroom a synonym). It has smaller fruiting bodies, scales on the surface are clearly visible, the pulp has no astringent taste. The spores, cystids and basidia of the named types of fungi differ in their size.

Other information about the mushroom: None.