Drying honey fungus (Desarmillaria tabescens) photo and description

Drying honey fungus (Desarmillaria tabescens)

  • Department: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Physalacriaceae (Physalacriaceae)
  • Genus: Desarmillaria ()
  • Species: Desarmillaria tabescens (Drying honey fungus)

Has several latin synonyms:

  • Agaricus tabescens;
  • Armillaria mellea;
  • Armillaria tabescens
  • Clitocybe monadelpha;
  • Collybia tabescens;
  • Lentinus caespitosus;
  • Pleurotus caespitosus;
  • Monodelphus caespitosus;
  • Pocillaria caespitosa.

Drying mushroom (Armillaria tabescens)

Drying honey fungus (Armillaria tabescens) is a mushroom from the Physalacryaceae family, belongs to the genus Honey mushrooms. For the first time a description of this type of mushroom was given in 1772 by a botanist from Italy, whose name was Giovanni Scopoli. Another scientist, L. Emel, managed in 1921 to transfer this type of mushroom to the genus Armillaria.

External description

The fruit body of the shrinking honeydew consists of a cap and a leg. The diameter of the cap varies between 3-10 cm. In young fruiting bodies, they have a convex shape, and in mature bodies they become widely convex and outstretched. A distinctive feature of the cap of a mature mushroom of shrinking honeydew is a noticeable convex tubercle located in the center. As for the cap itself, upon tactile contact with it, it is felt that its surface is dry, it has scales that are darker in color, and the color of the cap itself is presented in a reddish brown color. The mushroom pulp is characterized by a brown or whitish color, astringent, tart taste and a well-defined aroma.

The hymenophore is represented by plates that either grow to the pedicle or weakly descend along it. The plates are pinkish or white. The length of the leg of the described species is from 7 to 20 cm, and its thickness is from 0.5 to 1.5 cm. Downward it narrows, has a brownish or yellowish color at the bottom, and white at the top. The structure at the stem is fibrous. The mushroom leg has no ring. The spore powder of the plant is characterized by a creamy color and consists of particles with a size of 6.5-8 * 4.5-5.5 microns. The spores are ellipsoidal and have a smooth surface. Not amyloid.

Season and habitat

Drying honey fungus (Armillaria tabescens) grows in groups, mainly on tree trunks and branches. You can also meet them on rotten, rotten stumps. Abundant fruiting of these mushrooms begins in June and continues until mid-December.


A mushroom called shrinking honey fungus (Armillaria tabescens) tastes very pleasant, suitable for eating in various forms.

Similar types and differences from them

The species of mushrooms from the genus Galerina, similar to the mushroom, are shrinking species, among which there are also very poisonous, oversaturated toxins varieties. Their main distinguishing feature is a brown spore powder. Another similar type of mushroom in relation to shrinking mushrooms is those that belong to the genus Armillaria, but have rings near the caps.