Poplar honey fungus (Cyclocybe aegerita) photo and description

Poplar honey fungus (Cyclocybe aegerita)

  • Department: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Strophariaceae (Strophariaceae)
  • Genus: Cyclocybe (Cyclocybe)
  • Species: Cyclocybe aegerita (Poplar honey fungus)

Among the synonyms for this mushroom are:

  • Agrocybe poplar;
  • Pioppino;
  • Foliota poplar;
  • Agrocybe aegerita;
  • Pholiota aegerita.

Poplar honey fungus (Agrocybe aegerita)

Poplar honey fungus (Cyclocybe aegerita) is a cultivated mushroom from the Stropharia family. This type of mushroom has been known since antiquity and belongs to the category of cultivated plants. The ancient Romans valued poplar honey for its excellent taste and often compared it to porcini mushrooms and truffles. Now this species is cultivated mainly in the southern regions of Italy, where it is known under a different name - pippino. Italians highly value this mushroom.

External description

In young mushrooms, the poplar mushroom cap is characterized by a dark brown tint, has a velvety surface and a spherical shape. As the mushroom matures, the cap of the mushroom becomes lighter, a net of cracks appears on its surface, and the shape becomes flattened. In the appearance of this breed, certain changes can occur in accordance with the climatic conditions in which the mushroom grows.

Season and habitat

Poplar honey (Cyclocybe aegerita) is grown primarily on deciduous wood. It is unpretentious, so even an inexperienced person can start cultivating it. Fruiting of mycelium lasts from 3 to 7 years, until the wood is completely destroyed by the mycelium, the yield will be approximately 15-30% of the area of ​​wood used. You can meet poplar honey mainly on poplar and willow wood, but sometimes this type of mushroom can be seen on fruit trees, birches, elms, elderberries. Agrocybe is given a good yield, growing on dead wood of deciduous trees.


Poplar honey is not only edible, it is also incredibly tasty. Its flesh is characterized by an unusual crunchy texture. Agrocybe mushroom is eaten in the southern regions of France, where it is ranked among the best mushrooms and is included in the Mediterranean menu. Poplar honey is also popular in southern Europe. This mushroom is allowed to pickle, freeze, dry, preserve. Agrocybe makes very tasty soups, sauces for a variety of sausages and pork meat. Agrocybe is very tasty in combination with hot, freshly cooked corn porridge. Fresh and unprocessed mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7-9 days.

Similar types and differences from them

It has no external similarities with other mushrooms.

Interesting information about poplar mushrooms

Poplar honey fungus (Cyclocybe aegerita) contains a special component called methionine. It is an essential amino acid for the human body that has a great impact on the correctness of metabolism and growth. Agrocybe is widely used in folk and official medicine, being an excellent remedy for chronic headaches and hypertension. Poplar honey is also known as one of the best natural producers of antibiotics. On the basis of this mushroom, a medicinal preparation of complex action called agrocybin is made. It is actively used to fight against a large group of parasites, fungi and bacteria. The component lectin, known for its antitumor effect, was also isolated from poplar honey.and is a powerful prophylactic agent against the development of cancer cells in the body.